I called her up, she came right over, she was easy to talk to, I felt very comfortable with her, and 2 weeks later, here we are!
Laurel Buys Houses Reviews
It’s important to me that the homeowners I work with have a great experience with me. In the end, I’m not happy if I’m not able to provide you with the solution you want. So, check out what others have said about me. Here are just a few snippets of what other people I’ve worked with have said. And Contact Me for more information.
Want to share your own experience with me? Send me a note to let me know what working with Laurel Buys Houses has been like for you.
I like her, she is very honest, down to earth, and that’s what I want.”
“Thank you doesn’t seem to be enough for what they have done for us…”
Laurel and her angels opened their hearts and saved my family’s future. You have not only given us more than a fair market value for our home, because of that we’re able to buy another home for us to live. You really saved us.
-Tawnya Lamaway & Kids
“Laurel Buys Houses is the only way to sell a property in Sacramento California…”
Right away I had an instant connection with her because although my home was old and kind of run down, she said good things about it, and it made me feel good about my home. She did everything she said she would, was very honest, straight forward.
“…very professional in the way you handle the business…”
I really enjoyed working with you and your colleagues. You were very responsive to any questions/concerns that I may have had and are all very professional in the way you handle the business. From day one until the closing it was a pleasant experience and I thank you for making it easier for me, with all the nostalgia and fond memories that I have had of that house since April 1970. I hope you get a good return on the sale, and with the 1st class update, I’m sure the neighbors will be happy.”
– Andre Herrebout
“I am ultra-happy with their service…”
Thank you for making everything so easy for me”
-Michael G. Collins
“…she communicates from the heart…”
Laurel works with determination but just as important she communicates from the heart, and it shows. I frequently see Laurel action and whether she’s engaging with her team, a new client or a long time relationship (as myself), she is always honest and responsive to our needs and concerns.” -David G